How to Display an iFrame in Essential Grid Lightbox

This article will show you how to display a Webpage using iFrame in a Post Based Grid and Custom Grid Lightbox.

Table of Contents

1. Post Based Grid

Navigate to LightBox Settings and check the iFrame source.

Edit a post and navigate to “Essential Grid Custom Settings” > “Alternative Sources” Tab

In the “Alternative Sources” Tab, locate the “iFrame HTML Markup” container and insert a Webpage URL that you’d like to display on the LightBox.

 Learn How to Setup Link to Lightbox

2. Custom Grid

Navigate to LightBox Settings and check the iFrame source.

In the Grid Editor/Preview, edit a Custom Grid item by clicking on the “Edit Element” icon.

Navigate to “Item Data” and insert a Webpage URL into the “iFrame(url)” textbox.

 Learn How to Setup Link to Lightbox

How to Display an iFrame in Essential Grid Lightbox

The Author


Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

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