Grid Item Display Order

Customize the sorting order of your grid items.

Table of Contents

1. Order Grid Items by Date, Title, Author, etc.

Quick Note

This sorting option applies to a Post-based Grid.

From the Nav-Filter-Sort tab:

Scroll to the “Sorting” section, and select an option from the “Start Sorting By” drop-down menu.

2. Manual Sorting for Custom Grids

Quick Note

This sorting option applies to a Custom Grid.

From the Custom Grid Preview:

Drag and drop the items next and above each other by moving them with your mouse (#1).  Or swap the item with the one directly to the right or left (#2).  Or move an item an x amount of spots forward (#3).

3. Order Grid Items by Custom Meta

Quick Note

This sorting option applies to a Post-based Grid.

From the Essential Grid “Meta Data Handling” page, select “Add New Meta”.

Give the new meta a name and handle, and then choose “Text” for the “Type” (#1), and “Numeric” for the “Sort Type” (#2).

Next, visit each of your post’s “Essential Grid Custom Settings” section, and assign a number to the new Custom Meta.

The number entered will then be used for the custom grid item order.  For example, a post with number “1” would appear first in the grid, “2” would appear second, etc.

Next, visit your grid’s Nav-Filter-Sort tab:

and from the “Sorting” section, choose your new Custom Meta for the “Start Sorting By” option, and then choose “Ascending” for the “Sorting Order”.

Grid Item Display Order

The Author


Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

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